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My Personal Bio

My journey with guitar playing started at the age of 13 and my first listen to Nirvana’s Nevermind. From that moment, I was determined to be a rockstar. It was a dream that captivated me for a little too long!

My teenage years were filled with guitar stardom fantasies. I wanted to know every technique and every trick. I gazed at guitars in music shop windows; I purchased every edition of Kerrrrang and Rock Sound; and I chatted with fellow obsessives on my local music forum.


Over the years my rockstar dreams faded, but my love of the instrument only grew stronger. I developed my skills, passing music grades, playing in jazz bands, funk bands and rock bands.

In my 20s I became a committed acoustic player, dedicating myself to learning fingerstyle guitar and forming a number of folk and alternative groups in my home city (Aberdeen). 

Since moving to Stockport in 2012, I have combined guitar teaching with my day job as a secondary school English teacher. Teaching in the classroom has greatly improved my guitar tutoring, and I love using what I’ve learned about the science of learning to help my students.

Bryn Shortland playing a classical guitar
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